Sunday, October 26, 2008

Chapter 1 - Digital Art

I have enjoyed the readings in the Digital Art book so far. I got a nice history/summary in the introduction, while chapter 1 explores how the aid of computer software has opened up a multitude of possibilities for the artist to create art. Chapter 1 explains how the computer is now used as a tool by artists to manipulate, distort, or rearrange photos or other images in ways that would never have been possible without the computer and software like photoshop. These possibilities are a blessing in new technology but are also a topic of much debate. Personal opinions plays into the debate that if you take an image off the internet and change it and then claim it as your own , you are in some way stealing either another artists work or there idea. Even with these possible negative aspects of the digital age it's amazing to see how all other "traditional" fields of art and media are using or applying the computer to their work.

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