Monday, December 8, 2008


Heres the flash! no music at the moment, will load in another version with music soon!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Final Project

For my final project I'm going to use a series of action photos to create a movie piece using imovie. I've never used imovie before and have recently gotten to explore some possibilities of the software. I like how throughout the semester we have explored a variety of creative software, and as I look forward to doing more with those softwares like photoshop, dreamweaver, and flash I decided to move away from adobe for the final project. I had two beginning ideas for my final one of a holiday theme movie full of ice skating and christmas spirit, and a movie about a boy who's looking for the perfect story book ending, he wanders the library, takes notes from lifetime originals believing he'll learn how to find the "one" and live happily ever after. I'm more interested in my second idea and where I can go with it for an ending but it is still a work in progress. The movie will also have music, but the songs are not definite at this time!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Chapter 3 Digital Art

Chapter 3 was easier to follow than previous chapters. Christiane Paul does a good job at giving brief backgrounds and introductions of each theme discussed in the digital arts. Paul acknowledges that "the attempt to give a survey of all the themes addressed by art employing the digital medium is beyond the scope of this book, and the topics outlined in this chapter are meant as the main coordinates of a larger territory or inquiry. Two topics I found interesting were body and identity and mobile and locative media. I think it's crazy how much technology has affected how we view ourselves, whether that be how we physically view ourselves or mentally see ourselves as individuals. Our physical existence and virtual existence are complex opposites. Physically we can only be in one place at one time, but virtually we can be anywhere, anytime. "Online identity allows a simultaneous presence in various spaces and contexts, a constant 'reproduction' of the self without body". Mobile and locative media is a more recent theme to enter into the digital arts. I like the idea behind smartmobs and flashmobs, it made me think about past groups of people and artists who've assembled at random to perform a public work.