Monday, September 29, 2008

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Portraiture in the Digital Age/ The Body Electric Response

I found both Portraiture in the Digital Age and the Body Electric to be enjoyable and interesting articles. There was new information in both pieces that I may not have considered before when thinking about digital art and photography. I liked getting to know more about the beginning of digital photography and where we are now with it and where it can lead us in the future. It's exciting to think of what artists have done with digital photography; how the human identity and the identity of society has been morphed and manipulated. There s ani endless possibility of ways to use digital photography, and I know some are hesitant to except digital pieces as art, but this is where we as a collective are headed. I feel a lot of peoples doubts or hesitations towards digital art and the digital medium itself comes from the fact that they're not familiar with the software or tools and link change and confusion to negative associations, bad feelings towards the field of digital art. There will always be a classic appreciation for a photograph, but now with all these new ways to express yourself , create new identities and multiples that there is an admiration and appreciation for the digitized as well.